Understanding the Differences: Annealed glass,heat-strengthened glass,fully tempered glass

Annealed glass

Normal glass without any tempered processing,break easily.

Heat strengthened glass

Two times as stronger as annealed glass, relevantly resistant to breakage, It is applied to specific circumstance,such as some flat glass like 3mm float glass or glass strip,can not withstand the high air pressure during heat tempering then deformation or severe warpage will happen on glass,then using heat strengthening will be better way.

Fully tempered glass

Also called safety glass or heat tempered glass,four times as strong as annealed glass,it is applied to project which request high impact strength and thermal shock resistance, it will broken into dice without sharp debris.


Thermally tempered,heat strengthened,confused?

heat strengthened glass

Thermal tempered glass


heating process

1:Production using the same processing equipment
Heating the glass to approximately 600℃, then force-cooling it to create surface and edge compression

2:Further cutting and drilling unworkable


cooling process

With heat strengthened glass, the cooling process is slower, which means the compression strength is lower. In the end, heat-strengthened glass is approximately twice as strong as annealed, or untreated, glass.

tempered glass_1

With tempered glass, the cooling process is accelerated to create higher surface compression (the dimension of force or energy per unit area) and/or edge compression in the glass. It is the air-quench temperature, volume and other variables that create a surface compression of at least 10,000 pounds per square inch (psi). This is the process that makes the glass four to five times stronger and safer than annealed or untreated glass. As a result, tempered glass is less likely to experience a thermal break.

tempered glass


It is applied to specific circumstance,such as some flat glass like 3mm float glass or glass strip,can not withstand the high air pressure during cooling process then deformation or severe warpage will happen on glass

it is applied to project which request high impact strength and thermal shock resistance

glass flatness

≤0.5mm (depend on size)

≤1mm (depend on size)

glass surface compression



Fragmentation test

 annealed glass

tempered glass broken

thermal shock resistance

heating glass to 200℃ then put rapidly to 0℃ water without breaking

heating glass to 100℃ then put rapidly to 0℃ water without breaking

Impact resistance

thermal tempered glass 2 times stronger than heat strengthened glass

Temperature resistance

thermal tempered glass 2 times stronger than heat strengthened glass